Albert 2.0: The Great Man Recreated to Blog for the Curious and the Scientifically Perplexed

Next time you can read how a catholic priest changed Albert's view on the Universe and helped define the moment of creation

Sunday, October 7, 2007

We discovered them about a hundred years ago, but I can’t imagine we won’t have discovered something better than radio waves in another four hundred years. So earth might be sending radio waves out for only 500 years in total. For a planet almost 5 billion years old means that there is only a one in a ten million chance of anyone listening in with a radio telescope of catching us at the right moment in our evolution. So that’s the last number we need - the number of years a civilisation sends radio signals into space.

“So what’s the answer? How many planets in the galaxy have intelligent life?”

At least one.

Number of Stars in Galaxy billion
Percentage of Stars with Planets %
Number of life friendly planets per star
Percentage of life friendly planets with life %
Percentage of life that is "intelligent" %
Percentage of intelligent life with radio technology %
How many years civilisation uses radio waves

Number of civilizations = 1


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